Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Speculum and Anal

So let's order and purchase a speculum.  I want to look and play down below.  I'd really like one for your pussy and ass.  While it's in I plan on using your vibrator and watching what happens inside too. This is NOT about pain.  If I cum in your pussy I might want to look a second time to see the difference.  Do I need to dress up in a white coat and pretend to be a doctor?

Ok, because Jackie is finishing up with a yeast infection we decided to forgo this for the moment.  I didn't want to spread anything or rekindle what we are finally getting under control.  But I did want to explain this a bit in case we have to wait till next month to bring it back (cause eventually I will get to play doctor).

And that's probably the first of it.  I'm not really the medical type. I mean I know some medical things, but I'm not the one watching doctor shows and all.  But after watching the doctor use the speculum on Jackie during a check up after surgery was a bit of a turn on.  So we've ordered speculums for this.  I look forward to getting a peak in there.

So last night we got back into gear.  Nothing over the top special, but still was great to get both of us satisfied again.  We'll get back into our list today with Public Spaces, oh I can't wait.  And if todays doesn't happen this month it will just give me something to look forward to in March.


Speculum and Anal....Dane really wanted to do this.  We bought all the things we would need.  I know he has seen it being used when I have gone for my well woman checkups. I don't understand it but again this month is out of our box...so this will be out of the box.  Right now though until the yeast infection is gone I certainly don't want him lookin' at my insides 


However all this being said I did say the favorite words a man likes to hear from his wife...."I am horny!" All these days with getting some has been hell going without some...I didnt care if I still have the infection or not dang it I needed a release. So we got back on the horse last night!!! YEAH!! I got the release I needed and he did to...

Now bring on the "Public sex" day...as I bite my lip and fight with myself on all the what if's that could happen...


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