I didn't let Jackie know what we were doing, I just had her lay on the massage table, face down. I had prepared the cups, and had a candle lit with my firewand soaking in 91% isopropyl alcohol. Every place I went 91% is recommended over the standard 70%. I was able to find it at Walmart. So everything was ready.

I then used a couple of the hand pump cups on her legs. I had a few issues till I realized the center piece had to be pulled up sometimes prior to using the pump. I also had to play with the amount of pumps to use. I started with 4, WAY to many. 2 seemed to be the magic number. Tight enough to do the work, soft enough to be able to get them off.

We're well along into Sexuary now. What do you have planned that is different then you usually do? What can you and your partner do that will enhance your sex life, or maybe it's just your relationship you need to enhance, but something like a massage, or cupping, or a huge hug can make a difference.
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