2015 we wrote about
Sweet Spot Nation. It's a burlesque show that we've been attending three to four times a year for several years now. We've actually become friends with a couple of the performers and regular attenders, and admirers of the rest of them. What is a burlesque show? It's a variety show. In this case it's a variety show that has a sexual theme to it. Our favorite shows are the ones that we have friends that go with us to these shows. Ok, I'm pretty sure we scared off one of our couple friends forever, but the rest have all had a great time at the show.

The shows are adult shows, no doubt about it, but they are basically a live version of our blog. What do I mean? They talk about real issues, sometimes in a comical way. Sometime seriously. They dance, they read, they sing, they tell stories, they play games, they demonstrate those things you only read about in 50 Shades Of Gray, and at the end of the night we're all wound up and ready to jump in the sack.
This is one of the public places we go to be free, sexually free. There are no judgements at the Sweet Spot. It's about accepting your sexuality and having a great time. The crowd is as diverse as they come, and the fact they came to town during Sexuary just made it that much better.
What about you? Have you looked to push your limits, go someplace a bit risque? Take your significant other and have a public forum to be adults in? Go for it, The Sweet Spot is one of ours, and we hope you'll look into going to see them if they come to your town.
The Sweet Spot show was AMAZING!!! And being able to meet and fondle (ahem-touch) the performers afterwards was just icing on that cake!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmm💜