So class taken, and supplies ordered. I've pulled out a couple of each needle size and tried them on my leg just to practice a bit and to know a bit what it feels like and practice a bit of technique. I really believe anyone who would do something like needle play should know what they are inflicting on anyone they are applying it to.
Even though Jackie wants this she's a bit nervous the day of. I try to keep her calm and we get her on the massage table. We're going to work on her upper back today. I've let her pick the spot, though I tell her we'll want to try other spots. I wipe the spot down and make sure it's clean and sterile, gloves on, the box with needles ready and here we go.
I've got an idea, I want to make a heart on her back, but not sure how it's going to work, but like all of Sexuary I'll be flexible if I run into problems. Of course I start with the smallest needles we have. I put in a few of them. I have to admit Jackies reaction isn't exactly what I expected. She's having to breath through each stick. My inexperience has a couple of the needles going further under the skin then others. This is not what I'm wanting for a 1st time try.
The heart, well let's just say the attempt at a heart, quickly disappears. I can't create the curves needed to make the heart. I'm sure it's doable but it's not happening today, by me. Plan B, be creative and make it look ok. So I create a symmetrical pattern (my logical mind at work). I use every size needle we have. She definitely feels the larger ones, but honestly not as much as I was afraid she would.

Twenty-one needles later we were finished. I felt that was a great place to stop. I'd of loved to try a couple of other spots, but sometimes knowing when to stop is the most important part of any kind of play.

While removal of the needles can have some pain, they honestly don't hurt much pulling them out (I know from experience even). Needles all put into the collection box, the alcohol rubs definitely burn a bit as I clean up a little of the mess. I put meat packing over the area (the absorbent pads that are on the bottom of the meat packaging work great for this, thank you Guru Sean), and we go to relax. For the rest of the night Jackie definitely knows she's been needled, but it's not unbearable, and at times, it's just a gentle reminder of the great afternoon we've had together.
If you're interested in needle play I suggest you find someone who is in it, ask LOTS of questions, try it on a thigh or something on yourself to see what you're getting into. Read what you can. I think I've spent about $30 in total for 250 needles of varying size, and all the gloves, etc. I took an old coffee can and made it into my needle collection (sealed the top, cut a slit in for hte needles and marked it as hazardous). So it's an inexpensive 'kink' to try out.
Sexuary is in full fling you have any plans? Are you going to do something different for Sexuary 2020 this year? You still have time, go for it!
Needle play, well I asked for it. I have actually been asking for it for a while but we just never have done it. So that was certainly one that would be on the calendar this year.
I had told Dane that I was nervous. I wasn't sure what I was to feel or how to feel but I can tell you that it wasn't anything I have felt before.
I have gotten tattoos before and this can't even compare. From the very littlest needle to the biggest one I had to breath through each and everyone. It was painful but not painful enough to stop. Once all the needles were in, it actually didn't hurt as bad. I didn't get up and walk around but I did move my arm around to see what it felt like. I could feel them but it was not terrible. It did not make me cum while he was placing needles, it still was exciting. It really didn't take long when Dane got out the the wand to make me come.
The after effects felt like I had a slight sunburn and maybe a little heat like you get when you have a shot or tattoo.
We will defiantly be looking at this again. Once is truly not a real experience.
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